Delivery & Set Up of Your New Building
Suggested Site Preparations
To Prolong the life of your building, we recommend one of the following site preparations:
- A bed of 2RC crushed stones 4″ – 5″ deep extending 1′ beyond the building on all four sides
- Dig sod out 3″ – 4″ and fill in with the stones.
- 4″ x 4″ landscape timbers can be laid around the stone bed (Example 1).
- Remember to allow for ramp to entrance doors.
- Landscaping can be done outside the framework if so desired.
- Set the building on treated timbers.
- Set the building on existing concrete pad or gravel
- We DO NOT recommend setting the building on bare ground or concrete blocks.
*Power lines, trees, tree limbs, roof overhangs, fences, terraces and more all may be a hazard to placing your shed. Please take them into consideration when planning placement of shed.
All buildings will be delivered on a trailer and require approximately 60′ to pull out from under building.
- Your site needs to be accessible by our truck.
The shed will be placed on the truck according to our specs above and the truck will back up to your site. - If we cannot get to your site.
Customer is ultimately responsible to position your shed OR to pay for extra charges if the driver needs to hand-roll the shed, use extra equipment, or turn the shed.